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BJobee search app Trusted by users to find full time jobs in India, entry level jobs, graduate jobs, fresher jobs, digital marketing jobs, etc...

Project Summary

Main App Features:

  1. Job Finder Mobile App with complete features & details
  2. Advanced Job Sort, Search, & Filter based on location, salary expectations, experience, education, keyword search, job level, job type, employment type, etc.
  3. Saved / Bookmark Jobs Features, Job Details & apply job
  4. Complete Profile Management, & CV / Resume creation tools
  5. Track Job Application Status & Schedule Interviews via video conferencing
  6. In-App-Messaging Features (Chat, Voice, & Video Call)
  7. Onboarding, Sign up, Sign in, Forgot & Reset Password, Advanced Account Setup, Help Center (FAQ & Contact Support), Advanced Settings, & More

Associated Case Analyses

UI/UX Design

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